"Divine Twins"
by Diana Walker
Introduction to the Divine Twins
While most branches of Wicca understand the Goddess to have one Consort, in Feri She has two: the Divine Twins. These Twins can be seen as brother and sister, two male lovers, two female lovers, a heterosexual pair, two enemies, or any number of combinations. If the Star Goddess is the great Unity, than the Twins can be seen as representing all Duality.
From "Containing Beauty and Darkness: Twinned Pentacles of Power Exchange"
by Miriam Green
(excerpt) Originally published in "Witch Eye" Volume 13
The Star Goddess looks into the mirror of space, sees her opposite mirrored back, and falls in love. Through her ecstasy, she births twins: brothers and lovers, tumbling in cosmic play. These divine twins circle and dance, spinning out universes of possibility and transformation, generating transformative energy through the cycling of their difference, and the axis of their common birth.
The twins dance through us when we are entwined with our lovers, spinning threads of difference and birthing beautiful paradox:
Light and darkness.
Beauty and terror.
Pain and ecstasy.
From "The Winged Serpent: Seeing the Divine Twins"
By Anaar
(except) Originally published in "Witch Eye" Volume 10
All the Gods are Feri Gods, so we say. But in order to begin to understand this, we must look to their origins. The Feri Gods are not separate entities but are unified into one center, the Star Goddess who gave birth to all living matter. The Star Goddess took unto Herself Two Bright Spirits and perfected them into God with Her birth. They are the Son, Lover and Dual Consort of the Mother. The Goddess is the Divine Twin to the God.
Typically, one Twin is described as the Blue Bird. This Bird is the loci of the heavenly plane, and is generally pleasant and easy-going. His personality characteristics are those that we humans value highly. The other Twin is seen as a Black Serpent, who may or may not be His Lover. This Serpent is the loci of the earthly plane, and is generally unpleasant and acerbic. His personality characteristics are those that we humans fear most, though He is not evil. Both beings are sacred in their own right. Together, they are most often visualized as a peacock with a serpent twined around his ankle. He is the Winged Serpent, the Blue God, Living Rainbow.
The God of Feri are twins but they are one, not separate entities. They are identical, either one or both can occupy the place of God. The Divine Twins can function alone or as a pair. Alone, they may function as a male, but are actually both male and female in each entity. The Twins may also be both female, or a male and a female. To place further confusion on the matter, the Divine twins represent a polarity. The polarity may be great or small, and are often in opposition. In fact, The Divine Twins as represented in other cultures are often seen to be rivals or adversaries.
The Divine Twins are central to the myths and magic of the Feri tradition. In one myth it is said that the Star Goddess took two bright spirits into her womb and perfected them into God… this God is Melek Ta’us the Peacock Angel, but prior to being birthed he manifests in dual form, sometimes as the serpent and the dove; brothers and lovers. The red serpent hails from below and is the power of primal lust and life force, while the blue dove hails from above and is the presence of unconditional love and aspiration. Together they form the holism that is our human potential and our infinite capacity for both beauty and darkness.