by Diana Walker
From "On Nimue"
by Storm Faerywolf
She is sometimes said to be he wild spirit of youth and potency; the arouser of life; the embodiment of the Black Heart of Innocence. A crescent moon rests on her brow as primal snakes writhe in her hair. Childlike exuberance exudes from her toothy grin, but watch out! For all of her cute-ness there is also something disturbing about her... a danger and even a sexuality that is not comfortable when witnessed in a creature so young. She is the first aspect of the Star Goddess, and as such embodies all of creation. The universe in the hands of a child...
In one of my earliest experiences with her (after first being exposed to a pretty white-washed version in my earliest Feri training) she appeared to me in a field of flowers, playing with her toes. She turned to smile at me and then ALL AT ONCE became what appeared to be a child's crayon drawing of a bear... teeth in a snarl, eyes wild and outrageous. As quickly as this transformation occurred she was back to her child's form, playing with her toes in the sunlit meadow.
I learned that --while cute and innocent-- that she can turn on you pretty quick. So respect her. Or get bitten.
How do you work with her? How does she come to you? And perhaps most importantly, have you been bitten?
From "The Spiral Dance"
Chapter 5: The Goddess, Exercise 39: Waxing Moon Meditation
by Starhawk
Visualize a silver crescent moon, curving to the right. She is the beginning of power, of growth, of generation. She is wild and untamed, like ideas and plans before they are tempered with reality. She is the blank page, the unplowed field. Feel your own hidden possibilities and lantent potentials, your power to begin and grow. See her as a silver haired girl running freely through the forest under the slim moon. She is Virgin, eternally unpenetrated, belonging to no one but herself. Call her name, "Nimuë!" and feel her power within you.

by Michael Cabrera, 2013
From "The Gods of Infinity"
by Storm Faerywolf
Nimüe can represent the spring, especially the new growth of both plants and animals. Her emblem is that of a 6-day old crescent moon, connecting this sphere of our model with predominately lunar symbolism. She is the wild spirit of youth and potency; the arouser of life; the embodiment of the Black Heart of Innocence. A crescent moon rests on her brow as primal snakes writhe in her hair. Childlike exuberance exudes from her toothy grin, but watch out! For all of her playfulness there is also something disturbing about her... a danger and even a sexuality that is not comfortable when witnessed in a creature so young. The influence of Nimüe can be easily felt at this time of year and through the summer solstice, at which time She plays an important role in the working mythos of the Feri sabbat.
When the Goddess sees Her reflection it is first as Nimüe, the young maiden, who then grows and becomes Mari, the mother, and finally as Anna, or Anysa, the aged crone, before returning back to the center. In these three major points of definition we can easily see the seasonal cycles played out.
From "Feri FAQ"
by Valerie Walker
Nimue: Also known as the Kymari or the Sun Maiden, she is the Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess. The Faery Roads website says: "because of her youth, she is somewhat androgynous. Nonetheless, she still embodies the energy which brings all into being, which in humans is sexual energy, a great Passion. Imagine all the power of the Cosmos in the hands of a six-year-old..." Victor [Anderson] regarded Nimue as the Black Heart of Innocence incarnate. As the prepubescent girl, first emanation of the Star Goddess... Nimue is the Holy Child, embodiment of forbidden passion. She is the protectress and avenger of abused and mistreated children everywhere, fierce, wild, and innocent. Her priestesses wore two green snakes in their hair, and she was accorded a sacrifice of four red pigs, four white pigs, and one black pig, showing her connection to the love and death aspects of the Star Goddess.
"Hello My Name Is NIMUE. Today I Am HAPPY"
by Michael Cabrera, 2013